Les archives de l’Aventure Peugeot Citroën DS

Search help

Three types of search available and accessible at any time in the 'Search' section of the menu:
- the main search for entering a term and filtering on the type of document
- advanced search
- quick search for entering a term
quick search
Directly from the menu, enter a term in the input field and click on the 'magnifying glass' icon to start the search.
the main search
This search is on the homepage of the site.
From anywhere on the site, return to this homepage by clicking on the 'main search' link or the 'L’Aventure Peugeot Citroën DS' logo at the top of the menu.
The main search consists of :
- a field for entering a term or an expression.
The 'Exact Word' check box allows you to search for exactly the expression entered, otherwise the search returns all records containing at least one of the terms entered
example: entering the expression 'diesel engine' if box not checked then will be brought back all records containing the word 'engine', the word 'diesel' or the expression 'diesel engine'. If case 'exact word' checked then only the cards containing the expression 'diesel engine' will be brought back
- a drop-down list allowing you to filter on a particular type of document. You can select multiple document types for a search
- a check box to include in your search the dictionary of synonymy. This allows you to obtain in your search results the sheets containing the synonyms of the words entered as defined in the administration of the site. A link allows you to display a specific help for this function  
advanced search
At the click on the link of the menu, opening of a new page allowing you to carry out a search on criteria corresponding to the information present in the cards.
- synonym dictionary: if the box is checked then the search will take into account the synonymy dictionary for all the fields used in the search (cf above § on the main search)
- 'keywords' criterion allowing to carry out the search on the metadata of the cards, it is composed of:     
     * link criteria to define whether the metadata 'Must contain', 'Can contain' or 'Must not contain' the entered value     
     * drop-down list to select the metadata to search     
     * drop-down list showing the values present in the cards for the selected metadata     
     * '+' button to add a line     
     * '-' button to delete a line or if only one line deletes the entries 
Attention for the other criteria below the search is of type 'Must contain' ie if a value is entered for one of these criteria the field in the file will have to contain the value entered so that the card is returned in the result
- criteria 'title' and 'description' allow to search only in the contents of these fields with the possibility of carrying out a search on the exact expression entered (cf § above on the main search)
- 'document type' criterion: drop-down list containing the values present in the cards (NB: this field allows a search on values more detailed than those proposed in the 'type document' field of the main search).
The checkbox 'Scanned document only' allows, if checked, that the search returns in the result only records having at least one associated scan file, which results in the search result by the visualization of a photo thumbnail.
- criterion 'year' composed of fields :     
     * search condition 'From', 'Anterior to', 'After' and 'Except'     
     * input fields of the year (if conditions 'Before' or 'After') or the period with the start year and the end year (if 'From' or 'Except' condition)
- 'place of preservation' criterion: drop-down list containing the names of the heritage entities
- Criterion 'Document Reference' allows you to enter the dimension of the document. Attention if this criterion is entered the search will not take into account any other criteria entered 
Entering at least one criterion is mandatory to start the search  
General information about the search :
- the search result is limited to 500 documents, if the limit is reached a warning message is displayed inviting you to refine your search criteria
- for fast and main searches the search is carried out on all the information or metadata present in the card
- the search does not take into account upper / lower case. That is to say that the entry in the search fields is in upper or lower case and that the value in the card is in upper or lower case, the card will be brought back
- the absence of accent in the entry is taken into account, example: if entering the term 'citroen' the search will bring back all the cards having the term 'citroën'
- if a point is present in the entered expression it will be replaced by a space, example: if entry of the expression 'Plan 45.76' the research will be done on 'Plan 45 76'
- the numbers are taken into account as numbers ie if entry of the value '1' will only be returned records having the value '1' and not those having the value '10' or '21'...
- order of display of the cards in the search result : first are displayed the cards containing the exact value entered, then those which contain the most word to go to those which contain the least words.